We have set up group weekly coaching calls for you to ask your burning questions, learn from other members and discuss how you can move forward with your project.
Get things done with the group. Show up and look through your Next Steps tasks. We want you to keep on going so this is done weekly.
A 24/7 virtual co-working space (2D Metaverse style) where you can network at the Coffee Chats room, celebrate the wins, feel connected with others and meet up with your group mates in real-time.
You join an active space where members learn together through generous feedback. No theory-based or passive learning. Ask, learn, contribute.
Earn ChatPoints (our virtual currency) while helping others and redeem them at the virtual shop for Lab merchandise or services you need from other members to support your journey.
A dedicated room within our virtual co-working lab where you can join others to test and measure your campaigns.
A space where you take risks with no judgment and it’s ok to fail.
A leaderboard is in place for those who generously give their time to help others. ChatPoints are rewarded to those who complete their #NextSteps list and answer questions.
When you show up, collaborate and do the work, you’ll be ticking those boxes and complete more projects with confidence. And you get to celebrate the wins with the community.
Get the latest updates on digital technologies, social networks, statistics and tactics. Discuss with members and find out how you can leverage them.
Prices are in USD.
The Conversologist brand and its products are created with love and passion by Conversologie in New Zealand. ©️ 2019-2024. | Privacy Policy